PAT 700

PAT 700

Pressed cement mortar paste for the decoration of interior and exterior areas.

Ready-to-use white or colored paste. Acrylic coating with excellent adhesion, resistance to friction and mechanical loads. It is suitable for external and internal use. It is placed as a decorative coating on floors, walls, bathrooms, stairs, etc. The material is flexible and hard at the same time, so it can be applied to many substrates such as: plasterboard or cement boards, metal surfaces or ceramic tile floors, after the appropriate substrates from MaxiColor.

3-5 m²/lt


4-5 Hrs

Before applying the pressed cement mortar, on cement-plaster-aggregate materials, first prime with Decor Primer. For application on other more difficult substrates, such as glass, ceramic tiles, metals, ask for the appropriate primer.

For application, use a stainless steel spatula in two or three layers of approximately 1mm thickness each. Each layer when dry is sanded with a mechanical sander (dust between layers and then apply the next). The two layers can be of the same or different color in order to achieve a different aesthetic effect. The last layer is also sanded with a mechanical sander in order to bring out the different shade of the first layer. After 1-2 days (after the surface has dried well) apply 2-component water acrylic varnish.