

Micromolecular solvent primer for the most demanding surfaces.

MAXIDUR PRIMER is a transparent solvent based waterproof acrylic substrate, with strong adhesion and high penetration. It is ideal for priming surfaces painted with emulsion paints, RELIEF, acrylics, cement paints and sealants. It is ideal for new and old porous surfaces such as plaster, concrete, bricks, trowel walls, surfaces painted with lime, glue or old paints. Waterproofs surfaces while breathing at the same time. It dries quickly and does not cause yellowing.


13-15 m²/lt


1 Hr

Type:  Solvent based primer.
Roller, brush or airless spray gun.
Dilution: 100% with White Spirit.
Spreading Rate:
15-20 m2/L depending on the absorbency of the surface. Up to 20% with WHITE SPIRIT for application on roofs
Touch dry after 1 hour. Recoatable after 2 hours. Drying times depends on the weather conditions (humidity – temperature).
It is recommended to store the product at 5°C – 35°C.
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds):
EU maximum VOC content limit values (Directive 2004/42/CE) for this product (category A/h “Binding primers”, Type WB): 750 g/l. This product contains maximum 740 g/l VOCs (ready to use).

To ensure proper adhesion of the paint, the painted surface must be clean, dry and free from loose - peeled paints, powders, oils, salts and fungi. Sand the surface lightly. Apply a layer of MAXIDUR SOLVENT evenly diluted up to 100% with White Spirit for walls. For highly absorbent surfaces, dilute up to 50% with White Spirit. For application on roofs dilute up to 20% with White Spirit. Then you can apply any acrylic / waterproof paint of MAXI COLOR. Ensure good ventilation and temperature from 10OC to 35OC during application and drying of the material. Adverse weather conditions, such as low temperature - high humidity, during application affect the properties of the material.