Cherawood Silicon


The appropriate wood stain water-based color for weather resistance.

Cherawood Silicon is a silicon water repellent water based impregnant - wood stain. It does not create a film on the wood surface, allowing it to breathe without trapping the moisture inside. Cherawood Silicon protects wood from water and exposure to solar radiation. With Cherawood Silicon, reduced water absorption is achieved even after years of exposure to weather conditions thanks to its silicone technology. For better resistance to UV radiation, it is preferable to apply it pigmented to any of the available shades rather than transparent.

7-8 m²/lt


2 Hr

Applied: To every wooden surface.
Ready for use.
Application method:
Brush, spray gun or immersion.
Spreading rates:
Approximately 8-10 m2/l. There can be large fluctuations depending on the type and the absorbency of the wood.
Activation Time:
Approximately 24h. Time varies depending on exposure to atmospheric conditions.
Drying times:
Normally touch dry after 2 hours and recoatable after 10 hours. Additional time is needed under cold/wet conditions.
It is available in transparent and colored from factory color card.
It is recommended to be stored at temperatures from 5 °C to 35 °C in the original closed packaging for four years from the date of manufacture.
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds):
EU maximum VOC content limit values (Directive 2004/42/EC) for this product (category A/f "Interior and exterior minimal build woodstains", Type WB): 130 g/l. This product contains maximum 2 g/l VOC (ready to use).

 On new surfaces, clean the surface from dust and remove grease and resin with nitro thinner. For wooden surfaces with old poorly adhering varnishes or paints, remove them completely with paint remover. On either case surfaces must be thoroughly sanded using suitable sandpaper. The humidity of the wood must not exceed 18%. If necessary pretreat the surface with one coat of colorless wood preservative MAXI WP to protect wood from fungi, termites etc., and then apply 1-2 coats of CheraWood Silicon. The final color of the wood depends on the physical color and absorption of wood and the number of coats applied.

Να φοράτε προστατευτικά γάντια, ενδύματα, μέσα ατομικής προστασίας για τα μάτια. ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΕΠΑΦΗΣ ΜΕ ΤΟ ΔΕΡΜΑ:  Πλύνετε με άφθονο νερό και σαπούνι. ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΕΠΑΦΗΣ ΜΕ ΤΑ ΜΑΤΙΑ: Ξεπλύνετε προσεκτικά με νερό για αρκετά λεπτά. Εάν υπάρχουν φακοί επαφής, αφαιρέστε τους, εφόσον είναι εύκολο. Συνεχίστε να ξεπλένετε. ΣΕ ΠΕΡΙΠΤΩΣΗ ΚΑΤΑΠOΣΗΣ: Καλέστε αμέσως το ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΔΗΛΗΤΗΡΙΑΣΕΩΝ ή γιατρό. ΜΗΝ προκαλέσετε εμετό. Να μην χρησιμοποιούνται τα άδεια δοχεία για την αποθήκευση τροφίμων.
Δελτίο δεδομένων ασφαλείας παρέχεται εφόσον ζητηθεί.
Περιέχει: 5-χλώρο-2-μέθυλο-4-ισοθειαζολιν-3-όνη [EC no. 247-500-7]; και μεθυλισοθειαζολινόνη [EC no. 220-239-6] μείγμα (3:1). 1,2-βενζισοθειαζολ-3(2Η)-όνη. 2,4,7,9-τετραμεθυλ-5-δεκυνο-4,7-διολη.